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other intangibles assets中文是什么意思

用"other intangibles assets"造句"other intangibles assets"怎么读"other intangibles assets" in a sentence


  • 其他无形资产


  • Other intangible assets for which no amortized expense may be calculated for deduction
  • Taxpayers transferring other intangible assets shall report and pay tax to the local competent tax authorities where the establishment is located
  • The paper , focused on the widely existing phenomena that technological holders freely invest the scientific and technological achievements and other intangible assets to the parks , but could not form feasible operating mechanism for intangible assets , presents the optimal choice i . e . the technological holders " achievements are invested as capital in the parks to fulfill the truly combination of technology and economy
  • The growing trend of scientific and technological park in china is very powerful in recent years . agricultural scientific and technological achievements and other intangible assets at parks have been widely and intensively applied . how to effectively play the role of intangible assets in the parks is the key whether the parks could sustain ably develop
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